Surgical Anatomy and Open Vascular Techniques – Course III – Thoracic Aorta, Thoracoabdominal Aorta and Neck Arteries
May 09-10, 2025 in Berne (13 CME-Credits – SGC and SGHC)
This specific vascular course aims at improving knowledge of anatomical access to the thoracic aorta and supra-aortic vessels including sternotomy and first rib resection. Anatomic dissections and practice on fresh cadavers, with the contribution of experts in this field of Vascular Surgery.
Programme, Registration
Third Party Organised Procedure Training
This event is a Third-Party Procedure Training. If compliant, MedTech Europe Members may provide direct sponsorship to Healthcare Professionals attending this event.
Status: Thoracic Aorta and thoracoabdominal Aorta and neck arteries – EMT-24-00811
Dear Colleagues and Delegates,
on behalf of the faculty and organisers, it is a great privilege and honor to warmly welcome you to the COMPREHENSIVE BASIC AND ADVANCED COURSES ON VASCULAR SURGICAL ANATOMY AND OPEN SURGICAL TECHNIQUES. These worldwide unique workshops have proved over the last years to be a very effective training method for vascular surgeons.
Key is the intensive supervision by the multi-lingual tutors’ team who have vast experience in vascular surgery and teaching. The close tutor-student interaction guarantees an intensive learning process.
The training atmosphere is relaxed and full discussion is encouraged.
Limited seats are available, so please register early!
Join us for an enriching learning experience. We hope that you are as excited about Berne Access Courses 2024 as we are and look forward to meet you there!
For the executive board of VASCULAR INTERNATIONAL and the faculty
Prof. Dr. Jürg Schmidli, Berne
Prof. Dr. Matthias K. Widmer, Berne
Dr. Georg Heller, Chur
The COMPREHENSIVE BASIC AND ADVANCED COURSES ON VASCULAR SURGICAL ANATOMY AND OPEN SURGICAL TECHNIQUES will be the 24th course organised by the VASCULAR INTERNATIONAL School. Back then, we started with the access to leg arteries course, followed by the Vascular Access Masterclass in 2009 (for haemodialysis access). In 2017, we finally introduced the course on the thoracic and thoracoabdominal aorta and the supra-aortic vessels.
The school’s goals are the teaching of topographical and surgical anatomy, surgical basic practices, advanced open surgical techniques and innovations.
The courses are based on practical dissection of 5-7 cadavers (legs, arms thoracic aorta and supraaortic arteries) under the guidance of expert tutors.
The arm and leg courses are open to Vascular Surgeons in training. The thoracic course is designated for Advanced Vascular Surgeons.
– The official language is English.
– The number of participants is limited for technical reasons.
– Please, take your magnifying glasses with you.
Convenor Jürg Schmidli
Tutors Roman Bühlmann, Johannes Gahlen
Location Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern, Baltzerstrasse 2, 3012 Berne / Switzerland
Fee CHF 1’950 (if attending more than one course CHF 1’560) includes also:
– coffee-breaks and lunches
– the disposable and didactic materials
Accomodation Please check Tourism Berne
Programme (download programme with all details)
Registration and payment
You have to register for each of the courses separately. If you attend more than one course a reduction of 20% applies. Please choose the appropriate button when registering.
Your registration will be confirmed by email with an invoice attached. With online-registration, you will have the opportunity for immediate payment via Paypal (=all major credit cards), and immediate course confirmation. Please click the paypal-button at the end after booking. Please transfer the payment within 10 days, otherwise the provisional reserved space is released.
Cancellation: Replacements will be accepted, please communicate immediately.
The number of participants is limited for technical reasons. Registrations will be confirmed by email upon arrival of the payment (first come first served).
Any Questions or if the course is fully booked: Please contact VASCULAR INTERNATIONAL per email or Phone +41 41 610 54 34. Thank you.