This course provides vascular surgery trainees and junior consultants with hands-on training in lower limb vascular and nerve anatomy, from the groin to the foot, under expert guidance. Participants practice open surgical access, anastomoses, and straightforward distal bypass surgery. The program covers topographical and surgical anatomy, basic and advanced open techniques, and innovations.
Bern, Switzerland
Fully booked
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Content of Workshop
• Access popliteal artery pars I und III
• Access to all crural arteries
• Access to pedal and plantar arteries
• Posterior access to popliteal artery at the popliteal fossa
• Groin access, course of the femoral bifurcation and deep femoral artery, femoral nerve
• Lumbotomy and access to iliac arteries
• Alternatives in bypass-surgery, tunneling, bypass procedureabove knee
• Bypass procedure below knee, great saphenous vein, small saphenous vein, principles of in-situ bypass, clamping variations infragenicular arteries, distal anastomoses, popliteal interpositions
Please check Tourism Berne
Managing Vascular Surgeon
Kantonsspital St. Gallen
Ostschweizer Gefässzentrum
Rorschacher Strasse 95 / Spitalstrasse 44
9007 St. Gallen / 9472 Grabs
Consultant Vascular Surgeon
Klinik für Gefäßchirurgie, vaskuläre und endovaskuläre Chirurgie
Venue of the Workshop
Institute of Anatomy
University of Bern
Baltzerstrasse 2
CH-3012 Berne
School for Vascular Surgery
Stanserstrasse 111
6064 Kerns
The Vascular International (VI) School for Vascular Surgery is dedicated to advancing the training and education of vascular surgical techniques through the use of lifelike models. With patient safety as the top priority, VI continuously strives to enhance vascular surgery training, ensuring the highest standards of safe and effective open and endovascular patient care.
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