This course aims at teaching young vascular surgery trainees or surgeons in the strategies of access planning and in the concepts of vascular access creation. Participants will learn -in teams of two – to perform various arterio-venous fistulas (AVF) in the forearm and upper arm and to place arterio-venous grafts (AVG) in a safe manner. Experts assist you in improving your technical skills and share their knowledge and experience with you.
Bern, Switzerland
Fully booked
Scroll for More Course Informations, Procedures and Simulators
Content of Workshop
• Brachio-cephalic AV fistula
• Radio-cephalic AV fistula, snuff box AV fistula
• Grafts and other devices for vascular access (short lecture)
• Forearm loop graft
• Re-routing technique in local infections
• Basilica transposition
• DRIL procedure, PAVA
• Subclavian loop AVG
• AVF elevation technique, patch technique
Please check Berne Tourism
Chief Vascular Surgeon
Department of Vascular Surgery
Stadtspital Zurich Triemli
CH-8063 Zurich
Venue of the Workshop
Institute of Anatomy
University of Bern
Baltzerstrasse 2
CH-3012 Berne Switzerland
Vascular International
School for Vascular Surgery
Stanserstrasse 111
6064 Kerns
The Vascular International (VI) School for Vascular Surgery is dedicated to advancing the training and education of vascular surgical techniques through the use of lifelike models. With patient safety as the top priority, VI continuously strives to enhance vascular surgery training, ensuring the highest standards of safe and effective open and endovascular patient care.
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