This specific and unique vascular course aims at improving knowledge of anatomical access to the thoracic and thoracoabdominal aorta and supra-aortic vessels including sternotomy and first rib resection. Numerous vascular reconstruction procedures on supraaortic vessels can be performed. Open descending aorta and thoracoabdominal aortic repair is practiced. The course enables anatomic dissections and practice on fresh cadavers, with the contribution of experts in this field of complex vascular surgery. The thoracic course is designated for Advanced Vascular and Cardiac Surgeons.
Bern, Switzerland
Fully booked
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Content of Workshop
• Access to subclavian, carotid and vertebral arteries
• Subclavian artery to carotid artery transposition
• Subclavian artery-carotid artery bypass
• Vertebral artery to common carotid artery transposition
• Carotid-to-carotid artery bypass
• First rib resection, infra-clavicular approach
• Sternotomy / hockey stick incision; Pericardiotomy; Dissection brachiocephalic vein; Dissection aortic arch and supra-aortic branches
• Bypass ascending aorta to brachiocephalic trunk;
• Re-routing; supraaortic debranching/stump securing;
• Bypass ascending aorta to carotid and subclavian artery
• Thoraco-phreno-lumbotomy, retroperitoneal approach, muscle sparing technique; Dissection of vagal/laryngeal nerve; Cannulation options
• Descending aorta replacement; Reimplantation intercostal arteries
• Crawford procedure of thoracoabdominal aorta
• Reimplantation visceral arteries
• Bypass to left renal artery or direct reimplantation
• Type IV aortic repair
Please check Tourism Berne
Expert Consultant
Dept of Vascular Surgery
Bern University Hospital, Inselspital
CH-3010 Bern, Switzerland
Senior Consultant Vascular Surgeon, FEBVS
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
University Hospital Bern
Venue of the Workshop
Institute of Anatomy
University of Bern
Baltzerstrasse 2
CH-3012 Berne
Vascular International
School for Vascular Surgery
Stanserstrasse 111
6064 Kerns
The Vascular International (VI) School for Vascular Surgery is dedicated to advancing the training and education of vascular surgical techniques through the use of lifelike models. With patient safety as the top priority, VI continuously strives to enhance vascular surgery training, ensuring the highest standards of safe and effective open and endovascular patient care.
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